もみじ告知文: 新規開講のキャリア系教養科目「地域おこし実習」 ガイダンス(6/10・6/11)と受講者募集のお知らせ [PDFファイル:485KB]
チラシ(日本語版):ダウンロード [PDFファイル:425KB]
[Rural Entrepreneurship in Practice -Exploring Lifestyle Enterprises-]
Call for students!
This summer, a practice-based intensive course which will help students think about future careers while doing fieldwork in Shiwa and Akitsu is offered.
An increasing number of people are moving from urban areas to the countryside and trying to build their careers in areas rich in natural amenities.
This intensive course will explore how a lifestyle enterprise can be started through the case studies of lifestyle entrepreneurs who have moved to Higashi-Hiroshima city through the Chiikiokoshikyouryokutai (local revitalization cooperation group) system.
Join us in thinking how to revitalize the urban areas while exploring the beautiful nature and sea of Higashi-Hiroshima!
Detailes & Register
Registration Form
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Flyer (in English):Download [in PDF format:496KB]